Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 32

I know what you're sayin 'we saw this...yesterday' but! this is a perfectly tile-able image...meaning you can tile it. and you will not see any seams. it took me a while to figure out how to do this so...it counts!

I just became a tweeter(?) - (check me out?)

so yeah. I made this so I could have a unique background...there were a few challenges though: a) it had to be seamlessly tile-able, b) it had to be less than 800kb....and c) somewhat creative...yet not too distracting...so. I know I got 2 out of 3....


  1. Regarding tweeter,
    I'm sort of with The (Miami Herald) News Columnist, Leonard Pitts Jr. commenting about tweeter:

    "I need to know this, because…?"

    I thought this design might be just to much eye candy but, I could use a little sweetener today. I enjoy it -- particularly w/tweeter.

  2. Yeah, twitter is...a lot of useless information. To put it politely...

    I agree with Mr. Pitts.

  3. I meant twitter. But I like tweeter better.

  4. Ha! I thought Tweeter was an alternative. I was like, "WHEN did THAT happen?"
