Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 15

This took about 4 hours, including research...which variation is preferred? The paper background was an afterthought, I think it relates well to the old, illustrative aspect of the design and provides a good contrast to the modern, sans serif typeface. However it does muddy the design a little bit, especially in the color variation. I prefer the black/paper & the color/white combination's.


  1. My favorites are the black/paper and black/white ones. I would like the color/white one but the word Allain looks too black or not as fitting next to the red..personal opinion.

    I like the wine idea!

  2. I wouldn't say it muddles the design in color - the sheen really helps and it's a further step in combining the respected, antiquated style with the bold, modern font and print.
    For your next wine label, maybe you should try a different size than the large rectangle with the title card.

  3. I think that the black works better on the paper. The red and the paper almost start to blend, although the sheen does help.
    I think that if you were actually going to use this the red on the white would probably be the best choice.

  4. I like the black label on the paper background and the red label on white background, but I agree with Christina in that the black on the red label stands out a bit much. If you made the label red, it would probably be more eye-catching.
